
I Can See Up Your Nose

Maybe you're not aware of this, but a lot of the people in service and retail jobs aren't working their dream jobs or even the jobs they went to school for. For instance, I have a co-worker working on about three different degrees right now. Believe me when I say that working at Subway for the rest of her life is not a life goal. That being said, another of my co-workers was assisting a costumer when he said "I will make this real easy on you," and proceeded to treat her like she was an idiot. Finally she told him she was a college student. After the man got over his shock of a Subway girl making his sandwich also being a college student he asked her why she was working at a Subway. Her reply was simple: College costs money. Freakin' duh! Why customers come in and treat us like we chose a job where we catch shit all day is beyond me. If we didn't have bills and loans to pay like everyone else we'd be doing something entirely different with our lives. The economy sucks and it's hard to find jobs anywhere even after college. We are not on a lesser caliber because we are in the retail and service industry, we are working our tushies off to keep roofs over our heads and food on the table. We deserve more respect because we will work in an industry that society deems 'low class' to provide for ourselves and those that we love. You can shove your up-in-the-air nose into my store's ceiling vents. Having a cushy job obviously didn't improve your personality if you think treating us like morons or lesser beings is at all acceptable.