
This Argument Is Getting Old

I am coming back from stocking when I get to hear this little gem.

Co-worker: Ma'am I can't find anything out about you by just your birthdate. I could type your birthdate into the internet and it wouldn't find you.
Customer: Is that your manager.
Co-worker: Nope, that's my Shift Supervisor.
Customer: Well, I'd like to speak to her!
Me: What's the problem ma'am?
Customer: I'd like to know why I am being IDed for lottery tickets. I'm seventy years old!
Me: You have to be eighteen years or older to buy lot...
Customer: I know that! But why am I being IDed?
Me: Because it's something you need to be eighteen years or older to buy our registers need a birthdate to be entered to continue the transaction. I know, I can see your old enough, and I understand it's a pain but we hav...
Customer: What do you do with my date of birth?
Me: We just enter it so we can finish ringing you out.
Customer: But what do you do with it? Keep it so they can mess with my taxes for buying lottery tickets?
Me: Ma'am, your birthdate doesn't tell us or anyone anything about you.
Customer: We live in New York State. They can look everything up!
Me: Not with just your birthdate. They would still need a name. There are probably many people in this area alone with your very same birthdate. I promise they can't find you with only your birthdate.
Customer: Well I want to know why I am getting IDed! Is it the law or just something you're making up?
Me: It's law to ID for substances and such you need to be a certain age for. But IDing everyone or at least getting their birthdate if they are old enough is something our office is having us do.
Customer: Well I want their number.
Me: I'll give you the number for here and you can call back and talk to the manager. She'll help you.
Co-worker: Amanda, I asked for her birthdate. I didn't even ID her.

I figured it out. You are all paranoid. Watch out. The aliens are coming to beam you up.

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