
They Plug Us In Outback

Cashier: Can I see your ID please?
Customer: Seriously?
Cashier: Yes, we have to ID everyone.
Customer: For lottery.
Cashier: Yeah. I'm sorry, it's my job.
Customer: I get it. But I just want to make you aware...

Stop right there. You don't need to make a cashier aware of anything. I know that you think we are another species that hails from the land of "personal servants for hire" and "docile droids that are plugged into the wall outback until their shift", but we are very much people just like you. When our shifts end, we go home to our chores and our families and we go shopping too. Sometimes, now hold your breath, we also buy alcohol, or any number of things you need an ID for. And we get IDed. So we are aware of how much of a pain in the behind it can be to be asked for ID when we are obviously old enough. And even if we didn't, I have one question for you: What do you think complaining to us is going to accomplish? I lied. Two questions. Do you think we can magically change the policies if you make us aware?

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